Artist Note #27 – A Curatorial Look at Artists and Spaces

August 31, 2024

A Weekend of Driving in Chicago

Last June, I spent a Saturday driving around Chicago to see the last days of shows from Kara Walker’s pieces at the Poetry Foundation to Cally Spooner’s work at the Graham Foundation.

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I also had the pleasure of seeing other MFA photo students’ works at SAIC and Columbia College Chicago. I spent time walking through the spaces of these exhibits and it made me think about the curatorial space – where one shows work, how the work is displayed, and what the audience experiences in those spaces.

Pain Adjacent to Elegy, Part I, II, or III

An idea popped into my head about curating a show about pain and suffering. How does one go about doing that? And what kind of space is created when showing difficult imagery? How does the audience move through those spaces and what do they walk away with when they leave the space?

I was thinking about two other artists’ works during my time in my MFA program. Between the three of us, we were thinking about our journey – one as a survivor of sexual violence, one who is continuing through their long-term chronic health journey, and one who is a caretaker watching along the sidelines of their loved one’s suffering. They are heavy topics to uncover, but they are important stories that are being worked through in the darkroom and digital editing studio.

I proposed the idea to several open calls, but nothing worked out. I think it’s safe to say that the answer may be no for now. However, never say never. Another opportunity may take shape in another form at a later date. But I leave this note here to remind myself that the idea is here, and it will be waiting for me to return to it when the time comes.

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Pain Adjacent Series 1, mfa thesis exhibition gallery logan
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